4 Facts To Consider About DNA Testing

If you’ve been thinking about having your DNA tested, you’re not alone. There has been a growing interest because of the many different benefits linked to a person learning about their heritage. In fact, one of the top benefits is the deep satisfaction that comes from learning about your ancestors. Below are several different facts that you should consider as you embark upon the journey of DNA testing.

1. DNA Testing Usually Involves a Saliva Swab

When taking a DNA test, it usually involves either swabbing the inside of your mouth or providing saliva. A swab is easy and typically requires you to gently scrape the inside of your cheek. If you choose a service that’s done remotely, you will simply send in your DNA sample to the company that provided the kit and wait until you receive the results. It can take anywhere from several weeks to a couple of months. The information provided with the results is usually comprehensive and helps you understand the regions from which your family originated.

2. Pharmaceutical Companies Might Pay You for Your DNA

Sometimes pharmaceutical companies use DNA for the purpose of research and finding solutions to serious medical conditions. In some instances, there are extensive studies conducted to advance research that can lead to cures for cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, infectious disease, Parkinson’s and other conditions. Depending on the nature of the research, there’s a possibility that a pharmaceutical company will pay you for participating in a study. If you visit www.crigenetics.com, you can find more resources for a better understanding.

3. Most DNA Tests Are Valuable, But Not Always Clinically Valuable

In many cases, you can get a considerable amount of familial information from DNA testing. However, from a clinical standpoint, not all testing methods are effective. There are some tests that are actually prescribed because the results are able to support families in making important reproductive decisions. Testing for this purpose is different than testing that’s conducted to learn more about your genealogy. Sometimes the methods used are similar, but what’s studied is different.

4. DNA Can Be Used To Keep Communities Safe

Over the past several years, there has been an increasing number of stories about police departments being able to make arrests after decades of searching for criminals without any results. This is because DNA testing can reveal familial information. In other words, the actual person that has committed the crime doesn’t have to take the test. It can be someone related to them. This is because genetic information enables investigators to infer details about relatives based on data gathered from a DNA test.

Advances in technology continue to provide easier methods for testing DNA. Innovation also facilitates faster delivery of results.

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